So you get it done, beautifully.

Science Museum Tips: On Planning Traveling Exhibitions

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the January/February 2014 issue of ASTC's 

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150 150 Gweneth Mclittle

Silicone Mold Making, Resin and Foam Casting Tutorials

If you're ready to get into these types of mold making you've probably already watched 12 videos in anticipation of the project. For those of you who have always liked…

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2560 1920 Dean Carbonara

Travel to Bojnurd to See How Welding Electrodes are Manufactured

Hi Everyone, I wasn't looking for this, but I couldn't stop watching once I found it. It has surprisingly descent cinematography for a materials manufacturer production video. It's fun to…

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766 525 Gweneth Mclittle

An Easy Way to Contextualize Height

Here's a low cost way of adding a photo opportunity (which we know is likely to be shared socially) while helping contextualize the life cycle of the giraffe. What do…

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1280 989 Brad Jenkins

Excuse Our Mess, With a Sense of Humor

My 5 year old got a kick out of this changing exhibit. It's a bit nicer than doing nothing or even just a hand written sign. It's a thoughtful little…

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1280 989 Brad Jenkins