So you get it done, beautifully.

How many times can you say please do not touch?!

Have a ♥️, Don’t Touch the Art (!)

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1700 2200 carl schmitz

Go Behind the Scenes with Creative Director in an Interactive Installation Workshop

Hello MuseumTrade community. I thought this was an insightful interview. Many of us don't get to touch on the design aspect, but it's fun to hear where it came from…

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500 296 Matt Isble

INSTRUCTIONS: How to Handle Ruth Asawa’s Hanging Metal Works

  Ruth Asawa's works are popular for a reason, they are ethereal and beautiful. They are also fragile due to the nature of being woven metal. She has provided and…

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1829 2560 Matt Isble
A pile of dead lamps

The Beautiful Art of Lighting, The Renwick Gallery Transforms its Spaces

Lighting has a long history in museums and in the past 10 years it feels like its been on hyperdrive. When I started at the Crocker Art Musuem in 2008…

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2560 1755 Matt Isble

The Story of How a de Kooning Painting Was Easily Stolen

A few tips can be found in this story, a few things you can do to prevent a similar occurrence at your museum. Aside from a couple solid tips (spoiler…

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1216 912 Bradley B Jenkins