So you get it done, beautifully.

A Cool Way to Fold a Box

Hi All, this one speaks loudest from it's images. It's fairly simple to make, does anyone out there already have a template for this style of box? We should start…

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1920 2560 Gweneth Mclittle

One Way to Improve a Security Hardware Tool (UPDATE: 2 Ways)

Hi All, Have you ever scraped the wall while taking a secured painting on or off the wall? Then you have to clean or touch up the wall to make…

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1305 1305 Matt Isble

How to Make Custom Forms with Wet Gypsum

This guys is true craftsman. There must be 100 videos about this kind of work, but this one is simple and to the point and inspired me to think outside…

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2560 1440 Museum Trade

How to Make A Support Mount for a Bowl

Hi Gang,We can across this nice Using strips of mat board as a templating material, I laid out the fair curves of the proposed mount along the strongest parts of…

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300 225 Matt Isble

Science Museum Tips: On Producing Exhibits in a Developing Country

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the January/February 2014 issue of ASTC's 

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150 150 Gweneth Mclittle