


  • These directions will let you wirelessly print four images to a page of Avery 5168 WITHOUT the use of wi-fi or cords. This was necessary when we went on a four-day trip to pack an entire offsite location on a […]

  • This is a nice video regarding the difficulty and solutions involved in making a mount strong enough to hold up a helmet, but simple and gentle enough to support its delicate liner at the same time.  Many nice […]

  • Hello Trade Community,

    Here’s part one of a two part series. We’ve been given a budget to solve this peripheral strip lighting inside our eight tall cases this fiscal year. It’s very exciting because we are […]

  • Museum Trade changed their profile picture 9 years, 7 months ago

  • Hello fellow preparator and technician nerds.  Here’s the final in the Tom Sachs series of films.  He makes some other fun films and I encourage you to check em out, but I think this is the last one that applies t […]

  • I think you’ll agree that your are a craftsperson nerd if you like videos like this.  More from the Tom Sachs series of videos we bring you a Love Letter to Plywood.  The way he expresses his adoration is really b […]

  • If you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it a thousand times; Visitors molesting the objects without a care in the world.  I’m sorry for the strong language here, but I can’t seem to get used to it after all these […]

  • Insert copy here:           These “Design Resources” are a series of short articles intended to provide designers with evidence-based information to address issues currently not covered in accessibility stand […]

    • Very attractive, but what about ADA?

      • Thank you for your contribution. Yes, that’s a keen eye you have there. We realized that after the install as well. To solve this there’s a technique where you put trim on the floor so people feel and see this before running into the side of a shelf. Do you have pictures of some of your ADA solutions? We’d love an article on that if you’re up for it?

  • This is a fun little video and demonstrates how these creatures are wrapped and rigged.  Not as much about final placement, but there are a couple jacks and lifts I haven’t used before.  Enjoy.

  • Having a little one at home changes you in so many ways.  Our son is 18 months and the fear that crosses his face when he sees one of us go under water in the pool is terrible to see and is like nothing else, so […]

  • We came across this article on the SEGD.org website about this neat exhibition.  I thought all of you might be able to gleam some inspiration from it.  Enjoy.
    When the Museum of Science and Industry Ch […]

  • It looks like the site was designed in the 90s, the site could use some major updating, but the content is there.  Particularly fun is the gallery of zoos.  They break each Zoo down to size, maps, animals, co […]

  • I came across this today and the concept could be applied to other artists physically in the gallery.  Additionally if your institution owns a Picasso, then you could install an iPad with this site running. […]

  • This is a typical scene.  A group of individuals who work really hard together, day in, day out.  Long hours, sometimes intense, and then we invite out community and the world to come see what we have and how w […]

  • So is nerd-dom spelled with two Ds or one?  Not sure, but I thought two read better.  Anyway, we love Tom Sachs at our shop and thought we’d create a short series of video introductions for his video works.  In th […]

  • Here’s a quick image set of us getting through dozens of frames that we had to refinish.  The original frame finish was an unattractive crackled silver and gold.  Unusable for the museums current character.   […]

  • Here’s a quick behind the scenes look at assembling a faux cabaret for the exhibition. Much of it was built and painted off-site and what you see here are the steps to assemble. It’s amazing how the most minimal […]

  • This is part of our Game On Series, a series of interactives throughout the museum spaces; this one is called Arts and Letters. The interactive consists of a colorful pouch, a few pencils, a few pads of paper, a […]

  • We had to find a way to quickly wrap an old painting with its ornate frame for a 4 hour road trip. The frame extends beyond the main body of the frame and this was our challenge- how do we wrap the work so it […]

  • As you can see from the pictures below, we were faced with a difficult installation.  This piece is meant to float up a bit on one of its legs.  This is and makes it very graceful, but what about defending a […]

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