
Aquarium Interactives

How to Make A Support Mount for a Bowl

Hi Gang, We can across this nice article (May 9, 2016) about making a support mount for a bowl that ...[Read More]

Science Museum Tips: On Producing Exhibits in a Developing Country

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the Ja...[Read More]

Science Museum Tips: On Planning Traveling Exhibitions

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the Ja...[Read More]

Silicone Mold Making, Resin and Foam Casting Tutorials

If you’re ready to get into these types of mold making you’ve probably already watched 1...[Read More]

An Easy Way to Contextualize Height

Here’s a low cost way of adding a photo opportunity (which we know is likely to be shared soci...[Read More]

Excuse Our Mess, With a Sense of Humor

My 5 year old got a kick out of this changing exhibit. It’s a bit nicer than doing nothing or ...[Read More]

Science Museum Tips: On Designing Interactive Exhibits for Young Children

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the Ja...[Read More]

Science Museum Tips: On Partnering with Researchers

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the Ja...[Read More]

Science Museum Tips: On Writing Exhibit Text to Facilitate Learning

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the Ja...[Read More]

Science Museum Tips: On the Process for Developing and In-House Exhibition

EXHIBIT TIPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD This is an extended version of an article that appeared in the Ja...[Read More]

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