So you get it done, beautifully.


detail of art piece

How to Hang Work in an Art Museum or Art Gallery

I feel that this subject needs some attention. I've been focused on weird one-off solutions to everyday problems, but maybe a solid article on how to hang work in an…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble

VIDEO REVIEW: Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Getting the Work Ready for the Exhibit

Hello Trade Folk, Here’s a little behind the scenes for opening up crates, condition reporting, laying out the art, and hanging techniques. There’s a pretty wide swath of activities in…

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2556 1341 Matt Isble
How many times can you say please do not touch?!

Have a ♥️, Don’t Touch the Art (!)

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1700 2200 carl schmitz

Go Behind the Scenes with Creative Director in an Interactive Installation Workshop

Hello MuseumTrade community. I thought this was an insightful interview. Many of us don't get to touch on the design aspect, but it's fun to hear where it came from…

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500 296 Matt Isble

Your Opinion: Do You prefer the Painted or Unpainted Baseboards on Pedestals and Cases

What do all of you think?  Originally we went with things painted all the same, through and through.  I think it was both an aesthetic decision as well as pragmatic.…

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852 640 Matt Isble
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