So you get it done, beautifully.


How-To: Resources for Basket Mounts

Historic baskets are both highly functional and highly artistic creations. They show incredible skill by the weaver, but they also tell us about larger community life. Baskets illuminate stories about…

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1060 795 Jesse Dutton-Kenny

The Art of Installation

Four photos; of two museum preparators installing three Duane Hanson figures. The three Hanson sculptures, with their sawhorses and scaffolding are stationary, but the photos, taken from different angles, create…

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1944 2457 Diane Burk

Prep Candy of Instagram

Because sometimes you just need to nerd out! We bring you some of the best MuseumTrade worthy Instagram feeds. Admittedly these tend to be art museum focused, but we'd like…

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2560 1955 Museum Trade