So you get it done, beautifully.

Crocker Art Museum

Options for Installing a Label on a Pedestal or Case

Here are a few option for installing labels on pedestals.  It can be difficult to read a label when there is a lot of extended text.  So we put them…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble

Ikea Couches Look Nice in a Gallery

Hi Everyone, No, I don't work for Ikea, but hey do donate a certain amount to our education programs every year.  I wanted to take a moment to show how…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble

Simple Museum Mount for Hanging Kimono

Hello Again, I've brought you some pictures of a simple mount for hanging our kimonos. It's a 2" round, 53" long piece of clear plexiglass. On either end you see…

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446 500 Matt Isble

Tools of the Trade

Here are our heavy guns, the aircraft carriers of the art installer world.  We bring these suckers with us when we go into battle.  Yeah, it's a war analogy because…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble

Mount Making for a Flowing Ceramic Sculpture

As you can see from the pictures below, we were faced with a difficult installation. This piece is meant to float up a bit on one of its legs and this…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble