So you get it done, beautifully.

Crocker Art Museum

Review: 4 in1 Spackle in a Tube

This was a very promising product. Was.   MMMOOOORORRREEE here... Put your comments below if you have tried this or want to second the vote for 3M to package this…

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1920 2560 Matt Isble

Picking Wall Colors: One Way to Determine Wall Colors

A quick post illustrating one method for choosing wall colors. For this gallery we will be picking three of these colors. We set an assortment of the typical works to…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble

Arakawa, Beautiful Cable Hanging System for Glass Shelves

This cable system can be used in any type of museum.  It's elegant and strong.  Next time I might go for a solid rod style system, which Arakawa may indeed…

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1920 2560 Matt Isble

Mount for Pierre-Auguste Renoir Terracotta Tiles

Here's a very quick post; something to reflect on, something to riff on.  I may or may not do it the same way in the future, but I adopted this…

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2560 1920 Matt Isble

Pitfalls of Using Printable Adhesive Vinyl

Hello Tradefolk, Here's a story about a product that I love very much, but it can be fussy. I'll do a full article about the love I have for this…

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1920 2560 Matt Isble